Guidance for return to school in September 2020.
Guidance for return to school in September 2020.
Guidance for return to school in September 2020.
At Jameah Girls Academy, we offer a comprehensive program of study that is conducive to our ethos of spiritual and academic excellence.
Our integrated Islamic and academic curriculum gives pupils a holistic learning experience.
Islamic Curriculum
Pupils start each day with Qur’anic lessons, which help instill a sense of peace and harmony, and give pupils a positive start to their day. Pupils also have lessons in essential Islamic studies. From Year 4 onwards, pupils have the opportunity to pursue one specialism pathway (subject to certain criteria):
Option1: Tahfizul Quran
Option 2: Enhanced Islamic studies​​
Academic Curriculum
The Primary Curriculum broadly follows the Key Stage 1 and 2 National Curriculum purpose and programme of study. The curriculum has a thematic approach where a new theme is introduced per half term. There are cross-curricular links formed through the theme of that term which provides children with a range of rich and memorable learning experiences. There is an emphasis upon developing the core skills of literacy, numeracy and ICT/Computing, alongside the opportunity to apply these skills through a creative curriculum, which makes learning relevant and engaging. Foundation subjects, enrichment lessons and clubs contribute to the richness of the curriculum.
The overviews below outline the whole Primary school curriculum from Year 1 to Year 6 for each subject. To learn more about Relationships Education, click here.​​​​​​​​​​​

Striving for Spiritual & Academic Excellence