Guidance for return to school in September 2020.
Guidance for return to school in September 2020.
Guidance for return to school in September 2020.
Jameah Girls Academy offers a range of information, advice and guidance to assist pupils in making well informed and realistic decisions about their future options and careers. The Academy will take a holistic approach and strive to expose the pupils to a range of information via different media to achieve the following outcomes:
Developing themselves through career and work-related education
Learning about careers and the world of work
Developing career management and employability skills
Our commitment at the Academy is delivered through PSHE and Citizenship lessons as well as cross curricular links made between different subjects, and careers education and support from external professionals. Some of the specific areas are as follows:
Visits from representatives of the local police station
Vocation Open Online Course
‘I Could’ website
National Careers Website
Speakers from various professions
Work experience
National Careers Week
Links with sixth forms and colleges
Careers Fair
The programme is started in key stage 2 to enable pupils to engage at an early stage and to prepare them to investigate and explore the vast array of opportunities open to them.
Parents/carers will also be involved in the process so that they can assist, support and motivate their daughter to make well informed and realistic decisions.
As the law states, everyone must stay in learning until at least their eighteenth birthday, hence pupils have the following options:
A full time course, (a study programme) at a college or sixth form
Learning while they work (work based learning) which includes apprenticeships, traineeships and study programmes that are based with training providers rather than with a college or sixth form
Employment, voluntary work or entrepreneurship starting up their own business, concurrent with continued studies for a recognised qualification.
In the document below you will find our schools career provision in this academic year:
Colleges in the Local Area:
Beauchamp College
Gateway College
Leicester College
Regent College
South Leicestershire College
Wyggeston & Queen Elizabeth 1st 6th Form College
New College
City of Leicester College
English Martyrs Catholic School
St Pauls Catholic School
Listed below are useful links:

For step by step advice on writing your first CV, as well as tips on attending interviews visit Success At Help with writing a personal statement using a handy online form can be found on UCAS Progress.
The National Careers Service provides high quality, free and impartial careers advice, information and guidance. Their service is available to anyone aged 13+ no matter what stage of the careers journey they are at. It is available at:​

Informed Choices is aimed at all students considering A-level and equivalent options. It includes advice on the best subject combinations for a wide range of university courses as well as advice on the best choices if you don’t know what you want to study after school and need to keep your options open.
It is available here
Area wide prospectus information about ALL the courses available for post 16 year olds in Leicestershire is a website showcasing opportunities that exist other than going to university, such as apprenticeships, sponsored degrees, diplomas, gap years, distance learning and jobs. It is available at:

LifeSkills, created with Barclays, helps young people get the skills and experiences they need to enter the world of work. It is available at:

Careersbox is a free careers film library
It is available at:

Morrisby provides careers education, information, advice and guidance (CEIAG) service to schools, colleges and careers institutions across the UK and Europe, celebrating international successes. It is available at:

Need inspiration for your career? icould includes 1000 films of personal career stories, across all occupations. It is available at:

Striving for Spiritual & Academic Excellence