Guidance for return to school in September 2020.
Guidance for return to school in September 2020.
Guidance for return to school in September 2020.
1. ECO Schools Bronze Award
2. ECO Schools Silver Award
2. ECO Schools Green Flag Award

3. Charity collection for food bank

In Ramadhan we raised £702 for Peace Centre, a local charity that distribute food packs to local residents in our area. A great school achievement!
4. World Book Day Token Design Winner
We are very pleased to announce Samia A, a Year 6 student, has been judged as the overall winner of the National Book Tokens competition which our Primary children entered as part of our World Book Day celebrations in March 2020!
You can see the winning designs here:

5. NHS Competition Regional Winner Shortlist
We are thrilled to announce one of our entries to the Step into NHS competition has been announced as regional winners of all 1500 entries in the East Midlands!
The entry video by Khadeejah S, Aishah K, Aysha k and Zainab met all the criteria in a fantastic video about Paramedics. You will find more information and other entries here.

6. Skills Builder Gold Award
We are pleased to inform you that we have been awarded a gold award by the Skills Builder Partnership. We have made great strides in implementing our Skills builder program across the school . The pupils have been partaking in short 20–30- minute sessions where every learner has opportunities to build and implement eight essential skills in real life situations to support them now and in the future. These skills are listening, speaking, problem solving, staying positive, teamwork, leadership, creativity and aiming high.
"Thank you for being a great partner over the last year.
Following your final Strategy Meeting and our internal moderation process, I’m delighted to share that you have achieved a Skills Builder Gold Award this year.
Congratulations, this is a significant achievement! This puts you in a select group of schools and colleges who have demonstrated a commitment to building students’ essential skills."
7. Grow your Own Grub Bronze Award
Combining creative culinary skills and gardening, our school was challenged to design a three course menu and grow a minimum of 5 ingredients in a Mealbarrow along with our own growing area. Mealbarrows are then showcased and judged in a Grow your Own Grub event. The Mealbarrow competition was a great way to encourage food growing in the school community. The competition was open to any Leicester school and can be done with an individual class or gardening club and Jameah Girls Academy was awarded a bronze award for our efforts.


Striving for Spiritual & Academic Excellence